Photosessions and excursions - State Institution «Palace of the Republic»
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Photosessions and excursions

Every time when opening your wedding photo album you will remember the most important day of your life full of love, tenderness and beauty. The task of a professional photographer is to depict your feelings and emotions on the wedding day. One more important thing is to choose a place where you can take fortunate and beautiful pictures. Winter garden with tropical plants, backlighted cascade fountain, unique panoramic view of the Old City, modern interior and art decoration -all this will make your festive occasion much more wonderful. We are waiting for you in the Palace of the Republic!

Services cost – 50 rubles per hour.

Contact number: +375 (17) 229-92-87.

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The Palace of the Republic invites everyone for the group excursions with the possibility to familiarize with the history of creation of the Palace in details, to know interesting details of the Palace work. We dwell upon the main areas of activity, potential possibilities of the unique equipment of the Palace of the Republic. Review excursion of all halls, a foyer, dressing and make-up rooms is concluded with a movie presenting in which the questions of the technical possibilities of the Palace are revealed in a more detailed way.

We are waiting for you on working days and weekends from 10.00 till 16.00 (pre-registration is required).

Cost per one visitor – 5 rubles.

Contact number: +375 (17) 229-92-87.